California Collection License - Application Pending
Kings Credit services

Accounts Receivable Management



KCS has been servicing the needs of creditors for over 80 years. Within our collection staff alone, we have numerous employees that have been employed with us for over 15 years. Employment stability and working conditions are of the highest priority to us, and we are proud of our ability to retain top employees.

We are Employee Owned

KCS is and ESOP! That means we are employee owned! Studies have shown that ESOP Companies have improved wellbeing of workers, exibit greater participation in decision making, create higher pay, benefits and wealth, lead to greater job security and satisfaction, have higher production, increased profitability, and higher employee dedication than non ESOP Companies. ESOPs also tend to perform better during times of economic downturn and so lead to greater job security.

Customer Service

Our approach to customer service is held in very high standards. We listen to the needs of our clients and welcome suggestions as a way for our own agency to grow and develop our services. For this reason we encourage a high degree of communication from our clients. Demonstrating this desire, KCS employs a team of Customer Service Representatives, including our Customer Service Manager who has been employed with us for over 17 years.

Systems Technology

KCS is also a technology driven agency. KCS utilizes the latest in collection technology, software and tools. We employ some of the best programmers and systems analysts in our area. Within the client services section of this site, we have developed numerous tools that our clients can utilize. Clients can access past statements, review collection performances and account information, and for convenience generate collection reports on an as needed basis. We are an OpenSource Company. It means that we can make changes to programs or create new ones quickly. This leads to higher productivity.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)